Class & Sophistication

The union of L & G taking place in Downtown New Glasgow, Nova Scotia was an event to behold. The lovely bride made sure no detail was overlooked, from handmade bouquets to selecting a venue as unique as they come.

I joined the party in the afternoon and knew I was going to have a great time after meeting two of L’s lifelong friends. You could tell right away these women had an unbreakable lifelong bond.

The ease of the love between the couple could be felt in the intimate atmosphere. There were no apparent jitters, just the comfort of knowing they were about to be bound in marriage – like it is meant to be.

A few of my favorite details from this Winter-esque evening were the glamorous attire the wedding party was adorned with, the amazing catering company, Pantry Kitchen Catering (I cannot say enough about them – even Jeff & I were spoiled, no individual was overlooked), and the special guest of the evening, L & G’s dog Bear.



This love story brought our 2017 wedding season to an end, and instead of relieved we are left yearning for the next intimate union.

Next stop? Cancun, Mexico.

1 thought on “Class & Sophistication

  1. Congrats Graham to you and your lovely bride.


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